Follow up to: Does The Quran say God told
Abraham to sacrifice his son?
(click to read)
The following list of questions/points are for those wishing to test
their understanding of this story to see if it holds up to scrutiny.
Note: not everyone has the same view regarding this story thus not
all questions will be relevant to everyone.
1) what relevance, if any, is there for Quran to mention his son
reached the age of striving/working with him? [37:102]
Reason: in my Abraham leaving scenario, it makes perfect sense
because it is telling us the son had reached a somewhat independent
age, i.e. able to fend for himself.
2) when Abraham asks "...look what you see?" his son seems to
automatically assume it is a command when he says " what you
are commanded...". Do you agree? If not, please say why.
3) The future particle "sa"
occurs over 100 times in Quran. Can you provide one example of usage
which matches how you claim it is used here, i.e. what comes after
particle "sa" refers to an ongoing future activity that occurs prior
to what came before particle "sa"?
Let me clarify, here is structure of the Arabic: ABC <future
particle sa> XYZ
My view is XYZ occurs in the future, i.e. after ABC.Your view is XYZ
occurs prior to ABC or XYZ occurs until ABC takes place.
4) can you provide a Classical Arabic dictionary reference which
states the meaning of the verb TaLLa
can mean what you take it to mean and can be done in a
gentle/soft/willing manner? i.e. without force.
Reason: the primary meaning of this definition is to throw down /
make one prostrate / hold down / wrestle them down etc but Quran
states both submitted so the action was willingly, i.e. no force
5) can you provide an example elsewhere in Quran in which God
rewards us/someone for what they were about to do but did not do.
Reason: stating "like thus We reward..." [37:105, 110] implies an
exemplar, if so, where are the other examples, or where such a
principle is mentioned.
6) can you provide another example in Quran wherein it states
someone did X (e.g. perfect verb) but what is meant is they intended
to do X.
Reason: you take "...when they both had submitted..." in 37:103 as
submitted in intention only (i.e. not actually done the slaughter).
Similar case with "...Surely you have believed/confirmed..." in
37:105, i.e. technically he hasn't confirmed it yet, i.e. it is
intention only.
Note: perfect verbs are used thousands of times in Quran.
7) preposition "li" occurs over 2000 times in Quran. Please
provide clear examples of it meaning "upon" as you take it to mean
in 37:103 (i.e. upon his forehead).
8.) please explain why Quran describes the sacrifice/dhibhin in
37:107 as great/mighty/azeem?
9) If you consider killing of an innocent child an evil act and you
consider God was simply testing Abraham but was always going to stop
him before he actually did it, is there any other example similar to
this in Quran (i.e. God commanding or condoning an evil act)? (see 16:90, 81:8, 16:58-59)
10) how do you reconcile Moses objecting to the killing of an
innocent boy [18:74] whereas Abraham and his son did not?
11) can you provide another example in Quran wherein God talks
positively or rewards us/someone for doing something they think is
from God even though it isn't / goes against Quran's principles?
(e.g. killing of an innocent in this case)
12) was there a family separation mentioned in Quran? If you say no
please explain away the evidence in the article [e.g. 14:37,
13) if you claim Abraham and his son misinterpreted the dream (i.e.
what it meant or whom it was from) how do you reconcile that with
12:6 which mentions Abraham and Isaac alongside those who have been
taught the interpretation of narratives?
Reason: if you accept they were gifted with interpretation of
narratives (and this includes dreams) then they must have
interpreted the dream correctly.
14) all indirect Quranic evidence points to the dream being from God
(e.g. the word "trial/balau" is always used in Quran as from God,
and see 2:124). Do you have any Quranic evidence to the contrary?
If you find evidence for
questions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 please post it here.
"Men occasionally stumble over truth, but most of them pick
themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."
~Winston Churchill