The regular/timed salat from The
Quran: how many and when?
Overwhelming evidence from The Quran suggests the regular/timed
salat of the mumineen/believers is a minimum of twice daily,
with an optional night vigil. The evidence and timings for this
understanding are as follows, listed in no particular order:
1) there are only two salat mentioned in The Quran in a
reference format (see 24:58, salat al fajr, and, salat al isha).
Note that "al salat al wusta" in 2:238 is not in the same form [see
point 11 here].
2) the ONLY verse in the plural address to the mumineen which
mentions a timed-salat is 24:58 which only has two timings.
3) it is the ONLY understanding that provides us with a clear
time-range for each timed-salat, explained below, meaning it is
the most logical, clear, coherent and practical.
4) it is the ONLY understanding that I have seen which respects
the Arabic (i.e. other understandings ignore word forms,
grammar, are inconsistent or make baseless claims)
5) all verses in the plural address which mention a
timed-SaBiH/glorification or timed-THiKR/remembrance reference
morning and evening (i.e. two timings)
6) all verses which mention a timed-SaBiH or timed-THiKR which
could be interpreted as more than two timings are in the
singular address [see
7) it is the ONLY understanding that can encompass other
salat-timing systems such as thrice daily, or 5 daily, since it
is a minimum of two.
8) it is the ONLY understanding that shows when The Quran
mentions salat timings in a verse it always mentions the
obligatory timings (i.e. two) together, unlike other
understandings which say Quran sometimes mentions two here,
three there, one here, one there etc. Making the understanding
presented here the clearest of the variant views.
9) it is the only understanding that results in symmetrical
timings (morning and evening) which by itself has little weight
in argument other than one of elegance/aesthetics.
10) it is the ONLY timing system which works in all parts of the
world. This will be explained later.
The only verses which mention salat alongside a timing component
are: 11:114, 17:78, 24:58 and possibly 73:20.
11:114 ...uphold the salat at
both/two edges of the daytime and the proximal parts* of the night...
*Arabic: "zulafan" is an Arabic plural meaning 3 or more.
Whilst this verse can be interpreted in multiple ways there is
only one way to interpret it that provides us with a time-range
for each salat:
salat al fajr / salat (of) the dawn/morning
As its name suggests it is done around dawn (morning twilight).
This can correctly be deemed one edge of the daytime and also
involves a proximity of the night. Note that twilight is
considered part of the night as per Quran.
To clarify: this timed-salat begins at morning twilight and ends
when any part of the sun first appears above the horizon (i.e.
end of morning twilight)
salat al isha / salat (of) the dusk/evening
As its name suggests it is done around dusk (evening twilight).
This can correctly be deemed one edge of the daytime and also
involves the proximities of the night. Note that twilight is
considered part of the night as per Quran.
To clarify: this timed-salat begins at evening twilight and ends
with dark night (i.e. end of evening twilight).
This satisfies the Arabic plural "zulafan" in 11:114 as these
two salat time-ranges include morning twilight, evening twilight
and a small part of dark night, i.e. 3 proximal parts of the
Note, if one wishes to extend these times slightly, that is also
acceptable in my opinion, see this
article for further information.
17:78 uphold the salat (at/for)
the setting of the sun / sunset to the darkness of the night
and reading (of) the dawn...
The above verse can be interpreted to perfectly agree with
11:114. Some incorrectly claim this can refer to several salat [see
point 6 here]. Please note "quran al fajr
(reading/recitation (of) the dawn)" occurs at the same time as
"salat al fajr" and are taken as equivalent in my understanding,
proving a simple explanation as to what timed-salat of the
mumineen involves [see article for
more detail and other verses which back this up]. However
what salat is does not really affect our discussion of timings.
17:79 refers to an optional/voluntary addition of variable
timing [also see Chapter 73] by mentioning awaking for
The reason why this minimum of two timings works in all parts of
the world is that the only plural address which mentions a
timed-salat is 24:58 (11:114 and 17:78 are in the singular
address). In 24:58 a morning salat (salat al fajr) and evening
salat (salat al isha) are mentioned. The sun is not
explicitly/directly mentioned. This is important because in some
parts of the world the sun may not appear above or below the
horizon for part of the year. Please research countries within
the Arctic circle and polar day and polar night for further
information. No matter where one is in the world all societies
have a morning (activity/working period) and evening time
(sleep/rest period). Of course this would mean there is no set
time-range for each salat in this scenario, which is not a
problem in my view, and the morning and evening time-ranges in
Quran can be taken as exemplars/models to follow.
The Challenge
If you find an error/flaw in the argument above you will be
eligible for $250 USD per error/flaw or you may opt for it to be
donated to a charity of your choosing. Proof of donation will be
provided in that case. Please post any claimed flaws in this
thread, thanks. Valid errors/flaws will be determined by
the author.
Background reading links:
Understanding of salat from Al Quran (The Reading)
common problems with 5 salat daily timings as per The Quran
- Part 1
common problems with 5 salat daily timings as per The Quran
- Part 2
According to Traditional Islamic sources how many times did
the earliest Muslims perform salat?
Articles and past discussions about timings: reference
one :: two
:: three
:: four
:: five
:: six
:: seven
:: eight
:: nine
:: ten
:: eleven
:: twelve
My other articles: LINK.
This work would
not have been possible without the many people who have
contributed to this topic, and without the resources now
available to anyone wishing to study The Quran in detail.
For these stepping stones, I am indebted and truly thankful.
This work reflects my personal
understanding, as of March 28th 2020. Seeking knowledge is a
continual process and I will try to improve my understanding
of the signs within 'the reading' (al quran) and out with it, unless The God
wills otherwise. All information is correct to
the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken
as a fact. One should always seek knowledge and verify for
themselves when possible: 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 49:6, 58:11.